subject upon which he may be requested so to report by the
Governor of Maryland, any committee or member of the Gen-
eral Assembly, or the head of any State Department; to accu-
mulate all data obtainable in relation to the practical opera-
tion and effect of such laws; to investigate and collect all avail-
able information relating to any matter which is the subject
of proposed legislation by the General Assembly; to examine
the acts and records of any State and report the result thereof
to the Governor, any committee of the General Assembly, or
the head of any State Department requesting the same; to
prepare or aid in the preparation of any bill or resolution
when requested so to do by any member of the General As-
sembly; to preserve and collate all information obtained, care-
fully indexed and arranged so as to be at all times easily
accessible to State officials and open to the inspection of the
general public; and to have an office at Annapolis during the
sessions of the General Assembly, in order to facilitate the
work of the Department for members of the General Assembly.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That for the services
to be rendered under the provisions of this Act, the executive
officer of the Department of Legislative Reference shall re-
ceive $1, 000 per annum; and there is hereby appropriated
annually the sum of $2, 500 to provide for the payment of the
services of the said executive officer and of such assistance and
expenses as may be necessary in performing the duties im-
posed by this Act, the same to be payable on the order of said
executive officer.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1916.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
AN ACT to amend Article 3 of the Code of Public Local Laws
of Maryland, as repealed and re-enacted by Chapter 495 of
the Acts of 1908, entitled "Baltimore County, " sub-title
"Police and Police Stations, " by adding thereto two addi-
tional sections to be known as "Sections 295A and 295Bj"
to require a permit in writing from the County Commis-
sioners of Baltimore County for the erection, establishment,