Section 5-C. Each member of said Board shall receive the
sum of Twelve Dollars per annum, payable in monthly in-
stallments of One Dollar.
Section 5-D. As soon as possible after the first of June,
1916, there shall be held a special election at which the ques-
tion shall be submitted to the qualified voters of Rock Hall,
whether or not they approve of the creation of the Rock Hall
Electric Light Board, and at such election the ballots cast upon
said question shall have the words, "Against Rock Hall Elec-
tric Light Board, " or "For Rock Hall Electric Light Board, "
thereon, and if the majority of the votes cast upon said ques-
tion shall be "For Rock Hall Electric Light Board, " then the
Mayor and Councilmen of Rock Hall shall, at their next meet-
ing appoint three members to serve upon said Rock Hall Elec-
tric Light Board, until the next election in May, 1917; but, if
the majority of votes cast be "Against Rock Hall Electric
Light Board, " then, this Act shall be of no effect.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
(Vetoed. )
AN ACT to impose certain additional duties upon the Depart-
ment of Legislative Reference, as created by Chapter No.
565 of the Acts of 1906 of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, by making it the duty of said Department to assist
the Governor, members of the General Assembly, and the
several State Departments and to make an appropriation
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That, in addition to the duties to be performed by
the Department of Legislative Reference, as created by Chap-
ter No.. 565 of the Acts of 1906 of the General Assembly of
Maryland, it shall be the duty of the executive officer of the
Department of Legislative Reference to investigate and re-
port upon the laws of this and other States relating to any