missal from office or until a successor is duly appointed, and
the said Board shall require of said Treasurer, a bond in a
penalty to be by said Board fixed, conditioned on the faithful
discharge of his duties as such Treasurer. Said Treasurer shall
handle all money coming into the hands of said Board, but in
no case shall said Treasurer pay out any money except upon
the written order of the President of said Board. Every
officer of said Board shall promptly, upon the termination of
his office, turn over to his successor all property or money
pertaining to his office. All records shall be public and open
to inspection at reasonable hours of the day to any citizen of
Rock Hall. In case of removal for cause of any member of
said Board, the Mayor and Councilmen may appoint a succes-
sor to act until the next regular election and qualification of
such member.
Section 5-B. The said Board shall meet at least once a
month on the third Tuesday of each month. The said Board
shall at least once a year on the first Saturday of January of
each year, or as soon thereafter as possible, make a written
report to the Mayor and Councilmen of Rock Hall, of all mat-
ters pertaining to the business of the said Board, including a
financial statement. Said Board is hereby authorized to make
written recommendations to the Mayor and Councilmen of
Rock Hall, proposing ordinances, necessary for the preservation
and protection of said electric lighting plant and for the regu-
lation of charges for appliances, poles, wires and other supplies
and electric light furnished to citizens of said town and to the
persons conducting or carrying on business therein and adjacent
thereto, and said Mayor and Councilmen are thereupon required
to pass such recommendations as ordinances. If the money
made and collected out of the business connected with the elec-
tric lighting plant is insufficient to pay the necessary expenses
in connection therewith, then, upon a written order of the Rock
Hall Electric Light Board, the Mayor and Councilmen of Rock
Hall shall be required to turn over to said Board sufficient
funds to cover such deficit. If, after paying all necessary
expenses in connection with the business of the electric light-
ing plant, there be a balance in the hands of the Treasurer
of said Board, then such balance shall be turned over to the
Mayor and Councilmen at least once a year, when the annual
report is made to the Mayor and Councilmen.