Section 4. And be it enacted, That a board of three men, to-
be named or elected as hereinafter directed, shall hereafter
exercise certain functions, to be hereinafter enumerated, rela-
tive to the electric lighting plant for the town of Rock Hall,
which have heretofore been exercised by the Mayor and Coun-
cilmen of Rock Hall. Said board shall be known as the "Rock
Hall Electric Light Board, " and shall consist of three mem-
bers, who shall hold office for the term of one year. The mem-
bers of said Board shall possess the same qualifications, shall
be elected in like manner, and at the same time, as the Coun-
cilmen of said town of Rock Hall; provided that the First
Board to serve until the regular election in May, 1917, shall
be appointed by the Mayor and Councilmen of Rock Hall as
hereinafter directed. No person can serve as Councilman and
as a member of the Rock Hall Electric Light Board at the same
time. Any member may be re-elected to serve for two or
more successive terms. A majority of said members shall con-
stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Board
shall meet on the third Tuesday of May following each elec-
tion, or as soon thereafter as possible, and each newly elected
member shall take the oath of office to support, and maintain
the Constitution and laws of the State of Maryland, and to
perform the duties of his office as a member of the Rock Hall
Electric Light Board, to the best of his ability, without fear,
favor, affection or partiality.
Section 5. And be it enacted, That said Board is hereby
authorized and empowered to operate, keep in repair and im-
prove, said electric lighting plant for the town of Rock Hall,
which said plant shall be operated and maintained to supply
as far as practicable the reasonable demands of the citizens of
said town, and other persons carrying on business therein, and
for the people adjacent thereto, with electric light, and also to
erect and construct and maintain all necessary poles, appli-
ances and wires for the transmission of electricity in and along
the streets of said town and the roads adjacent thereto. Said
Board is hereby further authorized and directed to employ and
discharge at will all necessary help in conducting any and all
business in connection with said electric lighting plant and the
distribution of electric light service and the collection of all
charges made for said electric light service.
Section 5-A. The said Board shall choose, not necessarily
from among their own number, a secretary and treasurer, who
shall continue in office for the term of one year or until dis-