(67) To the deed from The Trustees of The Methodist
Episcopal Church of the West Baltimore Station in the City
of Baltimore to The Sharon Baptist Church of Baltimore City,
dated November 10th, 1914, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 2938, folio
(68) To the deed from John Tripp to the German Evan-
gelical Saint Mark's Congregation of Baltimore City under
the name of Saint Markus Evangelical Lutheran Congrega-
tion of Baltimore City, dated October 15th, 1900, and re-
corded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber
R. O. No. 1871, folio 150.
(69) To the bequest of Five Hundred Dollars contained
in the last will and testament of Joshua Thomas Main, late of
Frederick County, Maryland, deceased, to the Board of Home
Missions of the Reformed Church in the United States, of
which J. S. Wise, 15th and Race Streets, Philadelphia, Penn-
sylvania, is treasurer (as a loaning fund), to be known as
"The William Main and Susannah Hildebrand Main Church
Building Fund" of the Reformed Church in the United States
of America.
(70) To the bequest of five hundred dollars contained in
the last will and testament of Joshua Thomas Main, late of
Frederick County, Maryland, deceased, to the Board of For-
eign Missions of the Reformed Church in the United States,
of which George L. Lemberger, of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, is
treasurer, to be used by the said Board for Foreign Mission
work of the Reformed Church in the United States of Amer-
(71) To the deed and conveyance from George H. Wehl-
and and Cena Wehland, his wife, to The Evangelical Lutheran
St. John's Congregation of Pfeiffer's Corner, Howard County,
Maryland, a body corporate, of a parcel of land containing
0. 498 acres, by deed dated the 10th day of December, 1915,
and recorded among the Land Records of Howard County in
Liber W. W. L. C. No. 100, folio 383, etc.
(72) To the sub-lease and conveyance from John F. Dix-
on, et al., to the Trustees of the South Baltimore Methodist
Protestant Church, a body corporate, dated 17th day of Feb-
ruary, 1859, and recorded among the Land Records of Balti-
more City in Liber E. D. No. 167, folio 150, leasing and con-
veying property on the West Side of Light Street One Hun-