of record in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore
(45) To the bequest contained in the last will and testa-
ment of Ann Savilla Welty, late of Washington County, de-
ceased, to the official Council of the Salem Evangelical Lu-
theran Church, of Bakersville, Maryland, to be used by them
in support of the work of the congregation; said will being
recorded in Will Book "M, " folio 144, one of the Record Books
in the office of the Register of Wills for Washington County,
(46) To the bequest of three hundred dollars contained in
the last will and testament of Michael H. Ryan, late of Wash-
ington County, deceased, to the resident priest of St. Mary's
Roman: Catholic Church, Hagerstown, Maryland, for masses
for the repose of testator's soul; said Will being recorded in
Will Book "M, " folio 132, one of the record books in the Office
of the Register of Wills for Washington County, Maryland.
(47) To the bequest contained in the last will and testa-
ment of Sarah L. Bowne, of the sum of one thousand dollars to
the Trustees of Little Falls Monthly Meeting of Friends in
Harford County, which will is now of record in the office of
the Register of Wills for Harford County in this State.
(48) To the bequest of five hundred dollars contained in
the last will and testament of Henry Williams, late of Balti-
more City, deceased, by his will dated April 13th, 1909, to
the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Dio-
cese of Maryland, in trust, to invest the same and apply the
income to the payment of the salary of the Rector of All
Saints' Parish in Calvert County, Maryland.
(49) To the grant, conveyance and deed of George Spin-
dler and Elizabeth Spindler, his wife, to the Trustees of the
First English Lutheran Church of Govans of Baltimore Coun-
ty, incorporated, which deed is dated July 18th, 1913, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County in
Liber W. P. C. No. 414, folio 352, etc.
(50) To the bequests contained in the last will and testa-
ment of Mary R. Hawley, late of Baltimore City, deceased,
of seven thousand dollars to the First Congregational Church
of Baltimore, in trust, and to the bequest to The Congrega-
tional Home Missionary Society of the Congregational Church,
The American Missionary Association of the Congregational
Church, The Congregational Church Building Society and the