lington, Baltimore County, Maryland, and the holding of said
lot by the said Arlington Presbyterian Church, a body corpor-
ate, duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Mary-
land, which deed is dated the 26th day of December, 1911,
and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County
in Liber W. P. C. No. 384, Folio 593, etc.
(27) To the bequest of two hundred and fifty dollars to
the Zion Reformed Church of Charlesville, Frederick County,
Maryland, a body corporate, as contained in the last will and
testament of Harriet V. Holtz, late of Frederick: County,
Maryland, deceased, which will was admitted to probate in the
Orphans' Court of Frederick County on October 25th, 1915,
and duly recorded in Liber S. D. T. No. 2, Folio 108, etc.,
one of the records for recording wills in the Office of the
Register of Wills for Frederick County, Maryland.
(28) To the bequest of two hundred and fifty dollars to
the Evangelical Reformed Church of Frederick, a body cor-
porate, as the same bequest is contained in the. last will and
testament of Harriet V. Holtz, late of Frederick County,
Maryland, deceased, which will was admitted to probate on
October 25th, 1915, and duly recorded in Liber S. D. T. No.
2, Folio 108, etc., one of the records for recording wills, in the
Office of the Register of Wills for Frederick County, Mary-
(29) To the bequest contained in the will of Francis V.
Pearre of Westminster, Carroll County, of one thousand dol-
lars to the Trustees of Stone Chapel Methodist Episcopal
Church in Carroll County, State of Maryland, said will being
recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of Carroll Coun-
ty, Maryland.
(30) To the sale, grant and conveyance to Grace Evan-
gelical Lutheran Church of Powell-naron, Baltimore County,
Maryland, a body corporate, duly incorporated, by John V.
Luerssen and Anna C. Luerssen, his wife, by their deed dated
the 13th day of December, 1915, and recorded in the Office of
the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County in Liber
W. P. C. No. 447, Folio 329, etc., one of the Land Records
of Baltimore County, being Lots 88 and 89 on the plat of the
Addition to "Powell-naron, " which plat is filed for record in
the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore
County in Plat Book J. W. S. No. 2, Folio 150.
(31) To the bequest of the sum of five hundred dollars to
the Board of Home Missions of the Reformed Church in the