of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, entitled
"Corporations, " be and the same is hereby extended and con-
tinued in force, with all its rights, powers, privileges and im-
munities, the same as contained in its said charter and possessed
by it under the General Laws of this State, except as hereinafter
changed and amended by this Act, for a further period of time
from June 1st, in the year 1916, until June'1st, in the year 1956.
. SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the affairs of said Company
shall be managed by a board of seven directors, one of whom
shall be elected president. A majority of the directors shall
constitute a quorum for the transacting of all kinds of business,
and shall be competent to appoint all such officers, agents and
servants whatsoever as they may deem necessary for the trans-
acting of the business of the company, to fix their compensation
and dismiss them at pleasure; to provide for the requiring and
taking security for the faithful performance of the duty of any
officer of the company, for making all contracts, which shall be
necessary to effect the purposes contemplated by this Act, and
for the settling all accounts of the company; to provide for
furnishing to all stockholders certificates or other evidence of
their right to stocks, and for the transfer of stock and evidence
of such transfer, and to pass all such by-laws as shall be proper
or necessary for exercising all the powers, rights and privileges
vested in the, company hereby incorporated, or in the said
directors, or for the performance of the duties required of them
by this Act, and the said by-laws from time to time alter and
repeal, subject, nevertheless, to the revision of the stockholders,
at a general meeting.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the roadbed shall be of the
width as at present constituted; and twelve feet thereof, or
any greater width the directors may determine, shall be made an
artificial road of stone or gravel, and for the better preservation
thereof oil, tarvia or like material may be applied, or the artificial
road may be constructed of cement.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the principal office of said
Company shall be in the City of Frederick, Maryland.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That whenever a majority in
value of the stockholders shall advise and direct the President
of said Company to sell the turnpike road, or any part thereof;
and at a meeting of the Board of Directors a majority of the
same shall consider such sale expedient and the price a proper