present; and said commission shall be authorized as its work
progresses to turn over from time to time, in its discretion,
such completed portions of said work as it may see fit to the
charge, superintendence and control of the proper city officials.
When its work under this Act has been fully and finally com-
pleted in every respect, and not before, the life of said com-
mission, as originally appointed and as subsequently recruited
by appointments to occasional vacancies, if any, shall come to
an end, and the said sewerage system established by it shall,
so far as it has not already been surrendered to the charge,
superintendence and control of said officials, be then so sur-
rendered, and at the same time all the records, writings, and
papers of said commission shall be delivered up to the Mayor
and Council of Hagerstown to be preserved in its office, and
all property and effects in its possession belonging to the city
to the Mayor and Council of Hagerstown, to be disposed of by
it as may be provided by ordinance.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That after said sewerage
system and sewerage disposal plant shall have been completed
or any portion thereof the same shall become the property and
effects of the Mayor and Council of Hagerstown and the Mayor
is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint a Superin-
tendent of said sewerage system and sewerage disposal plant,
with the advice and consent of the Council, and such officials
and employees as may be needed or necessary to manage said
sewerage system, and by order the said Mayor and Council
may from time to time fix their salaries, wages and compensa-
tion in such amounts as it may deem just and reasonable.
And the said Mayor and Council shall, by ordinance only, fix,
establish and adjust reasonable sewer rents, rates and charges
for the use of said sewers by individuals, firms and corpora-
tions, and in said ordinance make such reasonable rules and
regulations as may be necessary to enforce the payment thereof
and to do all things necessary to fully and completely carry out
the purpose of this Act in the management and control of
said sewerage system and sewerage disposal plant. The Mayor
and Council may. in its discretion, at any time after the com-
pletion of said sewerage system or any portion thereof, adopt
a system of free sewerage service connection for the inhab-
itants of Hagerstown, and, in that event shall have full power
and authority to make such rules and regulations for the con-
duct, government and management of said free sewerage serv-
ice connection as it may determine and to provide in said