of the bonds authorized by this Act to be issued, with the name
or the names of the purchasers thereof, the date of issue and
the date of maturity of each bond, the date of sale and amount
of each bond, and when a bond is redeemed said bond shall at
once be cancelled on the face thereof and an entry of said
cancellation shall be made on said book of registry; said bonds
when issued shall be and they are hereby exempt from the pay-
ment of all County and Municipal Taxes.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That so often as any
portion of said sewerage system shall be in actual operation
and in a condition to collect, transmit and dispose of domestic
or house sewage, the said commission shall notify the Mayor
and Council of Hagerstown of that fact and impart, to it the
metes and bounds of said portion of said sewerage system in
such state of preparedness, and it shall thereupon become its
duty to require all owners of property within such metes and
bounds, and shall become the duty of all such owners at their
own cost and expense, to forthwith connect their respective
house drains at their respective property lines with said sew-
erage system, and to forthwith clean out and fill up their re-
spective privy sinks, wells, cesspools or other sewerage or
drainage receptacles, and to abandon the use of their existing
arrangements of every sort for the disposal of sewage or drain-
age under the directions and control of said Mayor and Coun-
cil of Hagerstown; and full power is hereby conferred upon
the Mayor and Council of Hagerstown to pass any ordinance
or ordinances and provide for any remedial proceedings or
processes or for any penalty or penalties that may be nec-
essary, in its judgment, to enable said Mayor and Council of
Hagerstown to properly and effectively comply with any of
the obligations hereinbefore imposed upon it by this section
of this Act, and to keep the drainage connections between said
respective property lines and said sewerage system free from
obstruction and in good working order; and to do any and all
things reasonably necessary to be done to compel said owners
of said property to place and maintain the same in relations
of full co-operation with said sewerage system.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That while the work au-
thorized by this Act is being done by said commission, the
respective duties and powers of the City Engineer and other
city officials in their relations to the existing sewers and drains
of the City of Hagerstown shall, subject to the duties and pow-
ers hereby conferred upon said commission, continue as at