SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said County Commis-
sioners shall each year select some road or roads which can be
constructed at an expenditure of not more than Ten Thousand
Dollars, the amount hereby provided for, the material of such
road to be of a macadamized or a telford or of other stone road,
or a road constructed of gravel or other good material, and to be
constructed in such manner that the same will be, with reason-
able repairs, thereto, at all seasons of the year, firm, smooth and
convenient for travel. The construction of such road or roads
shall be under the direction, supervision and control of the
County Road Superintendent. The said County Road Superin-
tendent may, in his discretion, either build and superintend
the building of said road or roads, or he may advertise for
bidders for the construction of such road or roads, and in the
event of the County Superintendent advertising for bidders,
said advertisement shall be for two successive weeks in one
newspaper published in Howard County, and also during the
time of such publication in such County newspaper at least
three successive times in at least one newspaper published in
Baltimore City, asking for bids for building such road or roads,
setting forth the place where said road or roads is or are to be
built, and giving a general description of said proposed work
and stating that sealed proposals for performance of said work
will be received until the day named in the advertisement, and
the said County Road Superintendent shall reserve the right to
reject any and all bids. On the day named in the advertise-
ment, the proposals shall be publicly opened in the presence of
the County Commissioners and the contract awarded to the
lowest responsible bidder. Upon the selection of the responsible
bidder, the said bidder shall within two weeks file with the
County Superintendent plans and specifications for the pro-
posed work, and the said bidder shall also give bond to the
County Commissioners of Howard County conditioned for the
faithful performance of such contract, in a sum equal to the
amount of the accepted bid, with such incorporated surety com-
pany as the said Board may select; provided, that in the event
of the County Road Superintendent deciding to advertise for
construction of such road or roads, the advertisement shall only
be for the amount of the appropriation and the roads to be
constructed therefor in any one year.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all property adjoining or
abutting upon any public road or highway which has been or
shall hereafter be constructed with improved material of the