8. To the St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys of the
City of Baltimore, thirty thousand dollars for the fiscal year
1917. and the like sum of thirty thousand dollars for the fiscal
year 1918.
Homes and Asylums For Children.
9. To the Baltimore Manual Labor School for Indigent
Boys, the sum of two thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1917,
and the like sum of two thousand dollars for the fiscal year
10. To the Baltimore Orphan Asylum, the sum of twenty-
five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and the like sum
of twenty-five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1918.
11. To the Boys' Home Society of Baltimore City, the
sum of one thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and the
like sum of one thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1918.
12. To the Claiborne Fresh Air Association, the sum of
five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and the like sum
of five hundred dollars for the. fiscal year 1918.
13. To the Country Home for Children of Baltimore City,
the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars for the fiscal year
1917, and the like sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars for
the fiscal year 1918.
14. To the General German Orphan Association of Balti-
more City, the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars for the
fiscal year 1917, and the like sum of twenty-five hundred dol-
lars for the fiscal year 1918.
15. To the Hebrew Orphan Asylum of Baltimore City,
the sum of four thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and
the like sum of four thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1918.
16. To the Hebrew Children's Sheltering and Protective
Association, the sum of thirty-seven hundred and fifty dollars
for the fiscal year 1917, and the like sum of thirty-seven hun-
dred and fifty dollars for the fiscal year 1918.
17. To the Hollywood Children's Summer Home, the sum
of five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and the like
sum of five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1918.
18. To the Home for Friendless Children of the Eastern
Shore of Maryland at Easton, the sum of seven hundred and
fifty dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and the like sum of
seven hundred and fifty dollars for the fiscal year 1918.
19. To the Home of the Friendless of Baltimore, the sum
of four thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1917, and the like
sum of four thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1918.