SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 216 of Article 17 of the Code of Pub-
lic Local Laws of Maryland, title "Prince George's County, "
sub-title "Laurel, " as the same was repealed and re-enacted by
the Acts of Assembly of 1890, Chapter 201, and by the Acts
of Assembly of 1912, Chapter 695, be and the same is hereby
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
Section 216. They may pass such ordinances, resolutions
or regulations for the good government, improvement and com-
fort of the town and the inhabitants thereof as to them may
deem proper:
To prevent and remove all nuisances within said town;
to restrain disorders and disturbances.
To forbid, prevent and remove all nuisances within said
town, and to define and prescribe what shall be a nuisance;
to restrain disorders and disturbances of every kind;
to forbid any person from carrying firearms or other con-
cealed weapons; to open and close streets, fix the grade thereof,
, straighten, widen and improve the same, to make causeways;
to establish, the width and grade of sidewalks, and pave the
same and set out shade trees thereon; to prohibit the firing of
guns and pistols, cannon, rifles or other explosives in the
town, and the tumultuous, irregular and disorderly meetings
of idle and dissolute persons; to regulate the location, erection
or repairing of buildings and grant -permits therefor; to im-
pose such fines, penalties and forfeitures and punishment for
the breach of their ordinances, resolutions or regulations as
they may think proper, not exceeding ten dollars for any one
offense, and for the non-payment of such fines, penalties and
forfeitures may commit the offender to the County Jail, or to
such place of confinement in said town as they may provide,
for a period not exceeding thirty days, in the same manner
as commitments are made for fines and penalties imposed by
the Circuit Court on conviction for misdemeanor; to remit, at
any time, any fine, penalty or forfeiture, or any part thereof,
in their discretion; to provide by ordinance for the immediate
arrest, without warrant, of any person found violating any
town ordinance, resolution or regulation, and when it shall
appear that the offender is intoxicated, may confine said of-
fender in some secure place until he shall be sober, and may
provide further for the confinement of any person arrested, if
the time be unreasonable, as in the night, whereby he can-
not attend the Justice of the Peace until a reasonable hour the