whom shall qualify as such Committeeman by taking the oath
prescribed by the Constitution of this State; in case any of
such persons shall fail to so qualify within twenty days after
the passage of this Act, or any of their successors shall fail to
so qualify within twenty days after election as such committee-
man, as hereinafter provided, or in case of any vacancy through
death, resignation or otherwise, the remaining committeemen
shall fill such vacancy by the appointment of another, qualified
under this Act to hold such office, who shall hold office for
such term or unexpired term. On the first Monday in May in
the year 1917 and on the same day in each year thereafter, an
election shall be held in the said village of Drummond for the
election of three committeemen, each of whom shall have been
a resident of said Village of Drummond for six months pre-
vious to said election, and over the age of twenty-one years,
the three said committeemen to be and constitute the Drum-
mond Citizens' Committee for the ensuing year, each of whom
shall qualify within twenty days after said election by taking
the oath prescribed by the Constitution of Maryland, before an
officer of the law duly commissioned to administer same. That
the annual election of said Committeeman, as herein provided
shall be held under and in accordance, with the laws of the
State of Maryland, but the returns thereof shall be made to
the Board of County Commissioners of Montgomery County;
ail residents of said Village of Drummond for six months pre-
vious to said election, and over the age of twenty-one years,
shall be eligible to vote at such elections; said elections shall
be conducted by three judges of election and two clerks, to be
appointed by said committee, who shall serve without pay; and
the polls of said election shall be open from seven o'clock P. M.
to nine o'clock P. M. on the first Monday in May as herein-
before provided.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That said Drummond
Citizens' Committee is empowered to grade, pave, macadamize
or otherwise improve any existing street, road or lane, which
has been or which may be acquired and open for public use,
and to lay sidewalks and curbs thereon; provided that said
Citizens' Committee, subject to the approval of the Board of
County Commissioners and after due publication thereof, shall
have power to assess the cost of said grading, paving, macadam-
izing or improving, against the property abutting on said street,
road, lane or sidewalk, in proportion to the frontage of said
abutting property on the same. Any tax so assessed, as above