County Commissioners shall also order and have paid over to
said Treasurer the proportion of the county road tax to be
levied and collected in the same manner as though the said
village of Drummond was an incorporated town, and the said
village shall, for that purpose, be considered by said Board of
County Commissioners as an incorporated town in said county;
all of said funds to be used directly by or through said com-
mittee, exclusively for opening, improving, widening, main-
taining, repairing and lighting the streets, roads, lanes, ap-
proaches, alleys, sidewalks, parking, drainage, sewerage, sani-
tation and other village improvements, and for furnishing po-
lice and fire protection, clerical and other public service, in-
cluding the removal of ashes, garbage and other refuse, and
the disposal thereof, and for the enforcement of the require-
ments of all conveyances for properties situated in said village,
and for enforcing such building, sanitary and other regulations
as said committee, subject to the approval of the Board of
County Commissioners may prescribe for said village, or for
any part thereof.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That if in any year the
majority of the said Drummond Citizens' Committee shall de-
cide the sum hereinbefore authorized to be taxed and levied is
in excess of the amount required for the ensuing year, then
and in that event, the said Committee may, on or before April
15 of any year, notify in writing the County Commissioners
of Montgomery County to make a reduction in the said levy
of thirty-five cents on each one hundred (100) dollars of assess-
able property value, as hereinbefore provided for, the amount
of said reduction to be determined by the said Committee and
specified in the said notification to the County Commissioners;
and upon receipt of such notification the Board of County
Commissioners of Montgomery County is authorized, empow-
ered and directed to make a levy less than the said thirty-five
cents in the amount determined and specified by the said Com-
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That from and after the
passage of this Act until the first Monday in May, 1917, the
said Committee for the said village of Drummond shall be con-
stituted as follows:
Perry K. Thurston, John A. Fleming and William D. Shoe-
maker; the first named shall, until otherwise directed by said
committee, be and constitute the Chairman thereof, each of