AN ACT to authorize and empower the County Commissioners
of Carroll County, Maryland, to acquire by agreement, gift,
grant, purchase or condemnation proceedings under the
Public General Laws of Maryland, any toll road or turn-
pike whatsoever and to levy upon the assessable property of
the County an amount sufficient to pay for the same, and
the said road shall thereafter be a public county road of
said County of the width so acquired. And that all such
roads heretofore acquired by said County Commissioners
shall be public County roads of the width so acquired.
. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Carroll County be and
they are hereby authorized and empowered to acquire by agree-
ment, gift, grant, purchase or condemnation proceedings under
the Public General Laws of Maryland, any toll road or turn-
pike whatsoever, and to levy upon the assessable property of
the County an amount sufficient to pay for the same, and the
said road shall thereafter be a public County road of said
County of the width so acquired. And that all such roads
heretofore acquired by said County Commissioners shall be
public County roads of the width so acquired.
Approved March 14th, 1916.
AN ACT to Legalize the Code of the Public Local Laws of
Baltimore County, comprising Sections from 1 to 613 inclu-
sive, compiled by T. Scott Offutt, Esq., and to make it evi-
dence of the Law and to Authorize the County Commis-
sioners of Baltimore County to have the same printed in
such numbers as they deem proper and to sell the same.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Code of the Public Local Laws of Baltimore
County, comprising Sections from 1 to 613 inclusive, compiled by
T. Scott Offutt, Esq., and published by the County Commissioners
of Baltimore County, be and the same is hereby legalized and
shall be deemed and taken in all the Courts of this State and by
all the Justices of the Peace of the State, and by all public offi-