WHEREAS, the President has urged upon the people and the
Congress of the United States the importance of entering upon
such preparations without delay.
Therefore be it resolved Ity the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That it is the sense of the people of Maryland, expressed
through their representatives herein, that their representatives
in the Congress of the United States do all in their power to
further the passage by Congress of laws providing for the im-
mediate increase and greater efficiency of the army and navy
of the United States.
And be it further resolved, That the ability of the United
States to protect its honor, its people and its territory is the
most important issue now before the people; it rises above all
considerations of party, and should enlist the patriotic support
of every American citizen.
No. 8.
In respect to the memory of Senator D. Hopper Emory, late
of Baltimore County, deceased.
WHEREAS, An all-wise, but to us a mysterious Providence,
has removed from the activities of time, to the rest of eternity,
a former member of the Senate of Maryland, D. Hopper
Emory, of Baltimore County; and
WHEREAS, It is proper to record some expression of respect
to the memory of this distinguished Marylander;
RESOLVED, THEREFORE, That in the death of D. Hopper
Emory, the State has lost a loyal son and worthy citizen, and
the legal profession and bar an honorable member and able
RESOLVED, That his surviving successors in the Senate of
Maryland mourn the loss of him whose life was spent in de-
votion to his family, 'his church, his State and the nation;
RESOLVED, THEREFORE, That, as no words of condolence can
remove the deep grief borne by his many friends, they are
commended to the care of Him, who "healeth every wound
and removeth every sorrow. "