to the metes and bounds, courses and distances set forth in
Ordinance No. 152 of the Mayor and Council of Easton, which
provided for said election under the charter of said town, at
the close of the polls on said day it was found that there were
two hundred and fifty-eight votes cast for, and one hundred
and fourteen votes cast against said extension of the town
limits and for the purpose of extending the limits of Easton
in accordance with said Ordinance No. 152 and to carry out
the wishes of more than a two-thirds majority of those voting
at said election; therefore—
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 42 of Article 21 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland, title "Talbot County, " sub-title "Easton, "
as passed by the General Assembly of Maryland, at the January
Session of 1908, Chapter 41 be and the same is hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
SEC. 42. The taxable limits and boundaries of the town
of Easton shall be extended according to the following
metes and bounds, courses and distances, to wit:
Beginning at a stone at the present north-easterly corner of
the town of Easton, said stone being known herein as corner
number one; thence (1) with the present north boundary of
the town of Easton, South 85 degrees 16 minutes West, 3797. 7
feet to a stone at the present north-westerly corner of the town
of Easton, said stone being known herein as corner number
two; thence (2) South 70 degrees 46 minutes West, 900. 6 feet
to corner number three, said point or corner being on the south-
erly side of the stream known as the Tanyard Branch of the
Tred Avon River and distant westwardly 200 feet from the
line of the westwardly side of the building at the North Sewage
Disposal Plant of the town of Easton; thence (3) South 24
degrees 23 minutes West and approximately at right angles to
Miles River Road (Bay Street), 168. 5 feet to the southerly side
of the said road and corner number four; (4) South 22 de-
grees 15 minutes East, 3052. 2 feet to a monument stone mark-
ing the present south-westerly corner of the town of Easton
and known herein as corner number five; thence (5) South 27
degrees 54 minutes East, 1011. 0 to corner number six, said
point or corner being on the northerly edge of a stream or
ditch in Adkins meadow and also being the south-westerly
corner of the South Sewage Disposal Plant property of the
town of Easton; thence (6) South 56 degrees 14 minutes East
1326. 95 feet to corner number seven on the westerly side of