the Trappe Road (Washington Street) opposite an entrance
to Idlewild Park; thence (7) parallel with, and distant at
right angles 15. 0 feet southerly from the northerly side of
Idlewild Avenue, South 86 degrees 17 minutes East, 1579. 3 feet
to the easterly side of the right of way of the Oxford Branch,
Delaware Division, P., B. & W. Railroad and corner number
eight; thence (8) North 24 degrees 39 minutes East, 2246. 0
feet to the present south-easterly corner of the town of Easton
and corner number nine; thence (9) North 16 degrees 45
minutes East, 1844. 6 feet to corner number ten; thence (10)
North 12 degrees 56 minutes West, 1025. 5 feet to corner num-
ber eleven; thence (11) North 58 degrees 47 minutes West,
973. 9 feet to the present north-easterly corner of the town of
Easton and the place of beginning.
SEC. 42-A. And be it enacted, That all unimproved land
in excess of one acre, within the limits extended beyond the
former boundaries of Easton shall be exempt from town taxa-
tion for a period of ten years from March first, 1916, unless
in the meantime the said land shall be improved by the erection
of stores, dwellings, factories, or other like improvements
when the said land shall be assessed as other town property,
and if after the period of ten years shall have elapsed the
said land shall not then be improved it shall only be assessed
at the same rate of valuation it may stand upon the books of
the county for the assessment of taxes for State and county
purposes until said land shall be improved in the manner
herein recited.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 27 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland of 1910, as legalized by
Chapter 16 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Mary-
land of 1914, title "Crimes and Punishments, " sub-title
"Sodomy, " said new section so added to said Article 27 to
come in immediately after Section 439 of said Article 27,
and to be known as Section 439-A of said Article 27, mak-
ing it a crime for any person to take into his or her mouth
the sexual organ of any other person or animal, or to place
his or her sexual organ in the mouth of any other person