State Treasurer in favor of George Keck and Peter J. Camp-
bell, Receivers of The Golden Gate Company of Baltimore City
for the sum of forty-six dollars and seven cents, being one-
fourth of the proportionate part of the money paid by the said
Golden Gate Company of Baltimore City for said license and
received by the Treasurer of Maryland, and the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore City are hereby authorized and
directed to refund and pay to the said George Keck and Peter
J. Campbell, Receivers of the Golden Gate Company of Balti-
more City, the sum of one hundred and thirty-eight dollars
and eighteen cents, being three-fourths or the proportionate
part paid by the said Golden Gate Company of Baltimore City
and received by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City,
being a due proportion of said license fee for a period during
which said license was not used, to wit: two months and seven
SEC. 2. And be U enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the first day of June, 1916.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
(Vetoed. )
(Vetoed. )
ACT to repeal Section 42 of Article 21 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Talbot County, "
sub-title "Easton, " as passed by the. General Assembly of
Maryland, at the January Session of 1908, Chapter 41 and
to re-enact same with amendments and to add an additional
section thereto.
WHEREAS, At an election in the town of Easton held on the
fourteenth day of February in the year one thousand nine
hundred and sixteen for the purpose of taking the sense of the
qualified voters within the limits of said corporation upon the
question of the extension of the limits of said town, pursuant