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Session Laws, 1916
Volume 534, Page 1258   View pdf image (33K)
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dated January 7, 1916, and recorded among the Land Records

of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3028 folio 444, etc.,

60. To the sale, grant and conveyance to the Vestry of St.
Paul's Parish in Baltimore County, a body corporate, of the
property described as follows, viz.

(a) a lot of ground known as No. 539 Columbia Avenue,
in Baltimore City, conveyed to the Vestry of St. Paul's Parish
by the St. Paul's Guild House Association, on June 5, 1913,
and recorded in Liber S. C. L. No. 2824 folio 529, etc., and
which had been conveyed to the said Guild House Association
on May 23, 1895, by deed from William E. Morton, et al, re-
corded in Liber J. B. No. 1560 folio 31, etc., one of the Land
Records of Baltimore City.

(b) a lot of ground and a ground-rent of $260. issuing
thereout, known as No. 206 and 208 West Camden Street, con-
veyed to the Vestry of St. Paul's Parish, by deed dated May
24, 1905, and recorded in K. O. 2147 folio 4, etc., one of the
Land Records of Baltimore City.

(c) three lots of ground and the ground-rents issuing there-

out, two of $100. each and one of $110. known as Nos. 1612,
1614 and 1616 West Lexington Street, conveyed to the Vestry
of St. Paul's Parish, by deed dated May 24, 1905, and recorded
in R, O. No. 2146 folio 126, etc., one of the Land Records of
Baltimore City.

(d) five lots of ground and the ground-rents of sixty dol-
lars each, issuing thereout, known as Nos. 2010, 2012, 2014>
2016 and 2018 McKean Avenue, conveyed to the Vestry of St.
Paul's Parish, by deed dated June 16, 1905, and recorded in
R. O. No. 2153 folio 164, etc., one of the Land Records of Bal-
timore City.

(e) two lots of ground, and the ground-rents of $72. - each
issuing thereout, known as No. 38 and 40 South Eden Street,
conveyed to the Vestry of St. Paul's Parish, by deed June 27.
1905, and recorded in R. O. No. 2156 folio 89, etc., one of the
Land Records of Baltimore City.

(f) four lots of ground, and the ground-rents of $85. - each
issuing thereout, known as No. 3608, 3612, 3614 and 3616 Park
Heights Avenue, conveyed to the Vestry of St. Paul's Parish
(together with other ground-rents adjoining, which have since
been redeemed), by deed dated July 19, 1905, and recorded
in R, O. No. 2160 folio 62, etc., one of the Land Records of
Baltimore City.

(g) a lot of ground, and the ground-rent of $65. - issuing
thereout, known as No. 502 South Sharp Street, conveyed
many years ago to the Vestry of St. Paul's Parish, by deed duly
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City.


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Session Laws, 1916
Volume 534, Page 1258   View pdf image (33K)
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