ner formed by the intersection of the southwest side of Park
Heights Avenue with the northwest side of Fourth Avenue;
each lot running thence northwesterly, binding on the south-
west side of Park Heights Avenue, twenty-three feet; each lot
running thence southwesterly, by a straight line, and parallel
with Fourth Avenue, one hundred and sixty-seven feet, more
or less, to the northeast side of a twenty foot alley there situ-
ate, each lot running thence southeasterly, binding on the
northeast side of said twenty foot alley twenty-three feet to
intersect a line drawn southwesterly from the respective places
of beginning parallel with Fourth Avenue, and each lot thence
reversing said line so drawn and binding thereon, one hundred
and sixty-seven feet, more or less, to the respective places of
beginning, together with the seven annual rents of eighty-five
dollars each, issuing and payable out of said seven lots of
ground to the Vestry of St. Paul's Parish in Baltimore County,
a body corporate, duly incorporated under the laws of the
State of Maryland, by the C. E. Spalding Company of Balti-
more City, by deed dated January 4, 1907, and recorded among
the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber R. O. No. 2300
folio 506, etc., and that the title of said real property vest
absolutely in said Vestry of St. Paul's Parish in Baltimore
County, its successors and assigns, to its own and their own
use and behoof.
36. To the sale, grant and deed of a certain lot or parcel of
ground situate and lying in the Village of Savage in Howard
County, on the north side of Baltimore Street, twenty-six
perches east from Woodward Street, and having a front on
Baltimore Street of thirteen perches and a depth of twelve
and one-quarter perches to "Grace Methodist Episcopal Church
South of Savage, " a body corporate, duly incorporated under
the laws of the State of Maryland, by James P. Haslup and
Thomas, I. King, surviving trustees by their deed dated June
19, 1915, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court for Howard County on June 29, 1915, in Liber W. W. C.
No. 99 folio 353, of the Land Records of said County, and that
fee simple title vest absolutely in said grantee, its successors
and assigns, to its own and their own use and behoof.
37. To the sale, grant and deed made and executed by
Laura Patterson, et al, to the Exeter Memorial Methodist
Episcopal Church, a body corporate, of the lot of ground in
Baltimore City on the east side of Chester Street; said deed
bearing date April 1, 1914, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 2928 folio.
131, etc.
38. To the sale, grant and deed made and executed by The
Exeter Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church to the German
Lutheran Evangelical Friedens Church of Baltimore City, a