of even width easterly of one hundred and fifteen feet, and
described in the deed dated June 25, 1902 and recorded among
the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber R. O. No. 1965
folio 15, etc., from Lewis E. Morgan to said body corporate,
pital and Asylum Association of Baltimore; to The Hebrew
Hebrew Benevolent Society of Baltimore; to the Hebrew Hos-
21. To the legacies of f 1000. - each bequeathed to The
Orphan Asylum of Baltimore; to The Jewish Federated Chari-
ties of Baltimore; to The United Hebrew Charities of Balti-
more, and to The Hebrew Educational Society of Baltimore,
contained in the last will and codicil of Mendes Cohen, late of
Baltimore City, recorded in the office of the Register of Wills
of said City on the third day of September 1915.
22. To the sale and conveyance by Robert McDonald and
Eleanor H. McDonald, his wife, to the Trustees of the Presby-
terian Congregation of Allegany County, a corporation duly
incorporated under the laws of Maryland, of a lot of ground
fronting thirty-nine feet on Washington Street, in the City of
Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland, and the improve-
ments thereon, which said lot is described in a deed dated Janu-
ary 30, 1915, and is recorded in Liber L. L. S. No. 116 folio 38-
of the Land Records of Allegany County.
23. To the sale, grant and deed of a certain lot of ground in
the City of Baltimore from Margaret Kenny to the Most Rev-
erend James Cardinal Gibbons, Roman Catholic Archbishop
of Baltimore, for the time being, and his successor in the Archi-
episcopal See of Baltimore, according to the discipline and
government of the Roman Catholic Church, a corporation sole,
by deed dated May 28, 1914, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 2905 folio 140,
etc., and that fee simple title vest absolutely in said corporation,
its successors and assigns, to its own and their own use and
24. To the deed in trust from Henry A. Brehm and Julia E.
Brehm, his wife, of Baltimore County, State of Maryland, to
the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, a duly incorporated
body of the State of Pennsylvania, also in charge of St. Joseph's
German Hospital of Baltimore City, State of Maryland, and the
Parochial School of Gardenville, on the Belair Road, Baltimore
County, recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County
on January 6, 1906, in Liber W. P. C. No. 295, folio 121, etc.
25. To the devise contained in the last will and testament
of Mrs. Susanna L. Wilson, late of Harford County, deceased,
to the Deer Creek Harmony Church of Harford County, Mary-
land, located in Harford County, Maryland, of the sum of
$100. -.