its successors and assigns, to its own and their own use and
10. To the bequest of fifty dollars to Andrew Chapel M. E.
Church South of Gardenville, Baltimore County, Maryland, con-
tained in the will of Fannie McCauley, late of Baltimore City,
11. To the bequest of fifty dollars to Harford Avenue M. E.
Church of Baltimore City, State of Maryland, contained in the
will of Fannie McCauley, late of Baltimore City, deceased.
12. To the following gifts and grants contained in a deed of
trust from James M. Beall to the Safe Deposit and Trust Com-
pany of Baltimore, trustee, dated August 20, 1915: (a) gift of
$30, 000. - to the Mount Vernon Place Methodist Episcopal
Church, sometimes called Mount Vernon Place Methodist Epis-
copal Church of Baltimore, Maryland, (b) gift of f 10, 000. - to
the Baltimore City Missionary and Church Extension Society
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, sometimes called "Balti-
more City Missionary and Church Extension Society of the
Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore, Maryland"; also two
other gifts of |15, 000. - each, after the death of Kate Myer and
Jennie Myer, respectively to the same Society, (e) gift of
|5, 000. - to the Preachers' Fund Society of the City of Baltimore,
sometimes called Preachers' Fund Society of the Methodist
Episcopal Church of Baltimore, Maryland, (d) gift of $5, 000. -
(or such further sum as may be necessary to yield a net annual
income of $250. -) to Morgan College of Baltimore, Maryland,
said gift being in remainder after life estate to Richard A.
Thompson, Rosie and Richard Beall Thompson, (e) gift of
$5, 000. - to the Home of the Aged of the Methodist Episcopal
Church of Baltimore City, sometimes called the Home of the
Aged of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore City,
Maryland, (f) gift of $5, 000. - to the Kelso Home for Orphans
of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore City, Mary-
13. To the bequest of $1, 000. - to the Vestry of the Church
of the Messiah, of Baltimore, Maryland, made by the will of
William D. Gill, said will being recorded in the office of the
Register of Wills of Baltimore City, in Wills Liber H. W. J.
No. 120 folio 221, etc.
14. To the following bequests contained in the last will and
testament of Peter J. Gersting, deceased, probated in the Or-
phans' Court of Baltimore City, March 18, 1915, viz: (a) of
$100. - to the Associated Professors of Loyola College in the
City of Baltimore, sometimes called "Associated Professors of
Loyola College"; (b) of $100. - to the Little Sisters of the Poor,
sometimes called "Little Sisters of the Poor of Baltimore City".