of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in Liber S. P. M.
No. 91 folio 52, etc. "of wills", and that fee simple title to said
lot of ground vest absolutely in said body corporate, its suc-
cessors and assigns, to its own and their own use and behoof.
3. To the sale, grant and deed of a certain lot of ground in
the City of Baltimore situate on the east side of Mount Street
one hundred feet northerly from Baker Street, having a front
of forty feet on the east side of Mount Street and an even depth
of ninety-two feet to the west side of a five foot alley, to "Galilee
Colored Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore", a body
corporate of the State of Maryland, duly incorporated by Gun-
die T. Long and Carrie E. Long, his wife, by their deed dated
July 24, 1915, and recorded among the Land Records of Balti-
more City in Liber S. O. L. No. 2997 folio 190, etc. and that
fee simple title vest absolutely in said corporation, its suc-
cessors and assigns, to its own and their own use and behoof.
4. To the gift, devise and bequest to the "Board of Missions
of the Methodist Episcopal Church South" a body corporate,
under the laws of the State of Tennessee, its successors and
assigns, by Ida R. Shipley, now deceased by her last will and
testament, dated July 18, 1908, and recorded in the office of
the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in Liber H. W. J. No.
121 folio 173, etc., of the whole of the rest, residue and re-
mainder of her estate, real, personal and mixed, said gift,
devise and bequest to take effect in possession upon the expira-
tion of two certain life estates created in trust for two life
beneficiaries named in said last will and testament; and that
the rest, residue and remainder of the estate of said testatrix
left in said "Board of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal
Church South" absolutely,. pursuant to the tenor and in ac-
cordance with the intent of said will and testament.
5. To the bequest contained in Section 1 of the last will and
testament of Mary I. Sturgis, of the" sum of six hundred dol-
lars ($600. -) to the Committee of the Presbyterian Congrega-
tion of Buckingham, in Berlin, Maryland, the same to be in-
vested and kept invested in some good mortgage or other safe
investment, and only the interest or income from same to be
used for the Pastor's salary and other incidental expenses of
the said congregation, the said last will and testament is
recorded in the Register of Wills' office of Worcester County,
Maryland, in Liber E. P. D. No. 10 pages 352, 353 and 354.
6. To the bequest of one hundred dollars (f 100. -) con-
tained in the last will and testament of Adeline E. Jarman,
late of Worcester County, deceased, to the Presbyterian Con-
gregation of Buckingham, of Berlin, Worcester County, Mary-