in each and every year, and it shall further be unlawful to
have in possession any such duck, goose, swan or brant between
the twenty-fifth day of March and the first day of November in
each and every year. Any person violating any of the pro-
visions of this Section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction shall be fined not less than $25. 00 nor more
than $50. 00 for each offense, and each duck, goose, swan or
brant so shot at, killed or had in possession shall constitute a
separate offense under this Section; provided, however, that
upon conviction the Court of Justice before whom such con-
viction shall have been had may in its or his discretion impose
a single fine for each day or part of a day in which such, viola-
tion of this Section occurred, such fine to be not less than
$100. 00 nor more than $250. 00 for every such day or part of
a day.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 33 of Bagby's Anno-
tated Code of Public Civil Laws, title "Elections, " sub-title
"Registration, " to be known as Section 17A; providing for
the registration of voters on a day preceding all primary
elections held throughout the State, except in Baltimore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section be added to Article 33 of Bag-
by's Annotated Code of Public Civil Laws, title "Elections, "
sub-title "Registration, " to follow Section 17 of said Article,
to be known as Section 17A, and to read as follows:
Section 17A. On the Tuesday preceding any primary elec-
tion to be held in any year in this State and which shall occur
after the enactment of this law, each Board of Registration
shall meet at the place designated by its Board of Supervisors
of Election, and shall proceed in the manner set forth in Sec-
tion 17 hereof, to make a registration of all the voters in its
precinct or district, as the case may be, who have not pre-
viously registered and who may be entitled to vote at the next
General Election and shall present themselves before said
Board for registration, and such person or persons so regis-
tered shall be entitled to vote at all primary and general elec-