sue under the provisions hereof as a separate fund for each
of such issues a sufficient amount of money to meet the in-
terest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund to pay said
bonds at maturity until the last of said bonds issued under
this Act shall have been paid and cancelled. Such funds
shall be deposited in some safe banking or savings institu-
tion in the State of Maryland on interest, and the County
* Commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered to pur-
chase from the proceeds of such sinking funds any of the
bonds which may be offered for sale when, in their judgment,
it shall be advisable so to do, and upon the purchase of any
of such bonds and the redemption of the same at maturity the
County Commissioners shall immediately cancel said bond or
bonds by stamping the same with the word "cancelled. " No
portion of said sinking funds shall ever be diverted to any
other purpose than to the liquidation of said bonds, and in
case any of the persons in charge thereof shall so divert or
permit the same to be diverted they shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be subject
to a fine of not less than twice the amount so diverted.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the County School
Commissioners of Prince George's County are hereby given
full power and authority to receive by voluntary gifts, land,
labor, materials, supplies and furnishings for the purpose of
providing a site for any of the buildings to be constructed
under the provisions of this Act, and for the purpose of con-
structing the same.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
(Vetoed. )
AN ACT to repeal Sections 523 to 539, inclusive, of Article 27
of the Annotated Code of Maryland, title "Crimes and Pun-
ishments, " sub-title "III. Places of Reformation and Pun-
ishments, " sub-head "House of Correction" and all Sections,
under said sub-head ''House of Correction" as the same now
stand; and to repeal Sections 623 to 675, inclusive, and Sec-