SEC. 3. Be it enacted. That said bonds shall be issued in
three series, as follows: Forty thousand dollars, payable in
ten years, forty thousand dollars payable in twenty years,
twenty thousand dollars payable in thirty years after
the date of their issue, which shall be as of July 1, 1916.
The said bonds shall be advertised by the said County Com-
missioners and sold to the highest bidder for cash, provided
that the same shall not be sold for less than their par value,
nor shall the said County Commissioners pay any commissions
in the sale thereof; provided, further, that they may, in their
discretion, sell the same at public auction at the courthouse
door in Elkton, or else sell by sealed bids to be opened pub-
licly on the day named in said advertisement, when the award
shall be made to the highest bidder, but they may reject any
or all bids; and all bids shall be accompanied by a certified
check for ten, per cent, of the amount of such bid, and the
checks of unsuccessful bidders shall be immediately returned
to them.
SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That the County Commissioners in
conjunction with the Auxiliary Board, hereafter to be ap-
pointed, in pursuance of the objects of this Act shall use for
the improvement of the roads such sum as they may think
for the best interest of the County, until the whole sum is
exhausted, and in the work to be done upon said roads from
the monies hereby negotiated, they may, in their discretion,
use it as a separate, individual fund, or they may use the same
in connection with the State appropriation, guaranteed to the
several counties of the State under the Act known as the
"Shoemaker Act, " or in connection with any other Act that
may become a law appropriating other or further sums, from
the State, to the aid of the several counties for the purpose of
improvements of the public roads in said county.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of redeem-
ing said bonds at their maturity or for securing the prompt
payment of the interest coupons, the said County Commission-
ers, shall, for the year 1916, and annually thereafter, until the
maturity of the last of the bonds, issued under the authority
of this Act, levy a tax on the assessable property of said county
sufficient to pay the annual interest on said bonds sold and
unpaid; and also, in addition thereto, for the sinking fund,
they shall levy an amount which, with accumulated interest
thereon, will enable them to meet the several series of bonds
issued in this Act. as they shall severally become due.