SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the citizens and inhabitants of the town of
Accident in Garrett County, State of Maryland, are hereby
incorporated by the name of the "Mayor and Council of Acci-
dent, " that by that name they have perpetual succession, may
sue and be sued, may have and use a common seal, and may
purchase and hold such real, personal and mixed property as
may be required for the purposes of said corporation, and may
dispose of such property when necessary for the benefit of said
corporation; and all the property and funds of every kind be-
longing to said corporation are vested in the Mayor and Coun-
cil of Accident.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, The corporate limits of the town
of Accident are hereby declared to be as follows: Beginning
at the Northeast corner of John Garringers land on the west
side of the State Road, thence South 27° West, 4 perches
South 66° East, 100 perches to stake, stone and pointers thence
North 35° East, 160 perches to 6 feet Northwest of Service
tree thence North 26 1/2° West, 161 perches to stake en West
side of State Road near a culvert, thence South 72 1/2 ° West,
96 perches to corner at stone fence, thence South 42 1/2° West,
113 perches to a locust tree, thence South 25° East to place of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said corporation shall be
governed by a Mayor and six councilmen, and that Frederick
Burkhard, of said town be and he is hereby named Mayor of
said town for a period of two years from the date of its incor-
poration ending the first Tuesday in March, 1U18, and that
Adam Richter and Robert A. Ravenscroft be and the same are
hereby named and designated as the councilmen for the first two
years from the date of its incorporation, ending on the first
Tuesday in March, 1918, and that Floyd C. Diehl and Henry
M. Speicher are hereby named as councilmen to serve for one
year from the date of its incorporation ending on the first Tues-
day in March, 1917, and hereafter an election shall be held on
the first Tuesday in March in each and every year for the elec-
tion of two Councilmen to serve for two years from the date of
their election or until their successors shall be duly elected and
qualified; and an election shall be held on the first Tuesday in
March, 1918, for the election of Mayor of said town to servo
for two years or until his successor shall be duly elected and
qualified, and an election shall be held hereafter in every
second year for the election of a Mayor for said town.