Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Section 134 of the Public Local Laws of Prince George's
County be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted so
as to read as follows:
134. In any action hereafter brought in the Circuit
Court of Prince George's County arising ex contractu, if
the plaintiff or his agent shall file at the time of bring-
ing his action an affidavit setting out distinctly his cause
of action and the sum he claims to be due, exclusive of
all set-offs and just grounds of defense, and shall serve the
defendant with copies of his declaration and of said affidavit,
he shall be entitled to a judgment for the amount so claimed,
with interest and cost, forty days after such service unless
the defendant shall file a plea which if in bar is accompanied
by an affidavit of defense denying the right of the plaintiff
as to the whole or some specified part of his claim specially
stating also, in precise and distinct terms, the ground of his
defense, which must be such, as would, if true, be sufficient to
defeat the plaintiff's claim in whole or in part; and where the
defendant shall have acknowledged in his affidavit of defense
his liability for a part of the plaintiff's claim as aforesaid, the
plaintiff, if he so elect may have judgment entered in his favor
for the amount so confessed to be due. Any Judge of the
Circuit Court is hereby authorized either in vacation or term
time to enter judgment under this Act where no affidavit of
defense is filed and to hear motion for judgment and to enter
judgment thereon where insufficient affidavits are filed.
Notice shall be given at the bottom of the declaration and
in the summons in such cases where the plaintiff intends to
claim the benefits of this Section.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
AN ACT to incorporate the town of Accident in Garrett Coun-
ty, Maryland.
WHEREAS, at a meeting of the male citizens and residents
of the town of Accident in Garrett County, Maryland, held
on the first day of January 1916, it was decided by a vote of
said citizens and residents of said town attending said meeting
that an application should be made to the General Assembly
of Maryland for a charter of said town "of Accident. "