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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 762   View pdf image (33K)
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supervisors shall frequently inspect all roads and bridges in
their respective districts, and shall promptly report to the
County Commissioners any defects therein, or the need for
repairs and improvements thereto. They shall keep all roads
and bridges in their respective districts in general good repair,
and to this end employ such labor and make such expenditures
from time to time as the County Commissioners may allow them
for such purposes in pursuance of the general system adopted
for such district; in addition to such regular expenditures they
may, in cases of emergency, make repairs to any road or bridge
in their respective districts, at an expenditure not exceeding
fifty dollars in amount, without receiving in advance special
authority from the County Commissioners therefor, but except
in the case of such allowance for general repairs as aforesaid,
and in the case of expenditures in emergencies as aforesaid they
shall make no expenditures except on the express authority of
the County Commissioners or Roads Engineer, acting on their
behalf first had and obtained. Said road supervisors shall per-
sonally superintend and supervise all work done on the County
roads and bridges in their respective districts, including the

construction of new roads and all work done under contract
by the County Commissioners, except in cases where the County
Commissioners shall otherwise provide, and shall have power to

discharge employees for neglect of duty, whether the same were
employed by them or the County Commissioners direct. They
shall, when so required, perform all work in their respective
districts in accordance with the plans, specifications, suggestions

or directions imposed by the County Commissioners or given
them by the Roads Engineer of the County. They shall also
perform such other duties with respect to the public roads in
their respective districts, as the County Commissioners may, by
their regulations or orders, prescribe. No road supervisor shall
have any pecuniary interest in any contract, or shall furnish
any team for any road work in the County. Every road super-
visor, when presenting for payment any bill for the hire of
horses and carts or wagons, shall append thereto an affidavit
that he is not interested, directly or indirectly, in the payment
of the amounts charged for such hire of horses and carts or
wagons, or for any material furnished. Said road supervisors
shall keep books, showing in detail the expenditures made by
them or under their supervision, on each road in their respective
districts, including the cost of all material used on the roads and
the labor expended, and shall furnish on or before the tenth of

each month, to the Baltimore County Roads Engineer, a copy


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 762   View pdf image (33K)
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