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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 763   View pdf image (33K)
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of such itemized statement of their expenditures for the month
just passed; said Engineer shall examine said bills, and if he
finds the same correct, and the items properly allowable, shall
mark the same approved and deliver the same to the County
Commissioners for their further approval and payment, as here-
inafter provided. On or before the tenth day of December in
each and every year, said road supervisors shall submit to the
Baltimore County Roads Engineer a written report showing
the condition of the roads in their respective districts, the im-
provements that have been made during the preceding year, and-
the amounts and kinds of material used on each road, with a de-
tailed statement of its cost and the amount and cost of hard
material and labor on each road. Each road supervisor shall be
entitled to receive as compensation for the duties performed
by him under this Act an amount equal to twelve per cent, of
the total amount of the district fund allotted, as hereinafter pro-
vided, to his particular district, exclusive of any allowance made
to such district from the general or other funds expended in
such district; provided, that in those districts where compensa-
tion on such basis would amount to less than two hundred and'
fifty dollars, they shall be allowed an annual salary of two hun-
dred and fifty dollars, and that in those cases where compensa-
tion on such basis would amount to more than one thousand'
dollars, they shall be allowed an annual salary of twelve hun-
dred dollars, said allowances and salaries to be received by them-
in lieu of all other compensation for the duties performed by
them under this Act. Such compensation shall be paid in
monthly or quarterly installments as the County Commissioners
may elect, and shall be paid out of the special road fund for
the respective districts. If any road supervisor shall die, re-
sign or be removed for cause as aforesaid, his place shall be
filled by the County Commissioners within thirty days after
such vacancy shall occur.

341. All matters pertaining to and affecting the public-
highways, roads, bridges, streets and alleys of the County
shall be under the general control and supervision of said
County Commissioners, who are hereby given power to
enter into and make any and all contracts for material,
machinery and implements for such public highways, and
to employ or direct the employment of so many and
such agents, superintendents, foremen, inspectors, assist-
ants, mechanics and laborers as may be found necessary
for the proper care and maintenance of the same, and
to fix the rate of compensation thereof. Said County


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 763   View pdf image (33K)
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