designated on said map. Said Commissioners may, at their dis-
cretion, have finger boards or sign posts placed at road crossings
or intersections designating the distance to the nearest promin-
ent point, and may give suitable names to the County roads,
and change the same as they may see fit. It shall be the duty of
said Commissioners to foster public interest in the public roads,
and to this end encourage the formation of road improvement
associations, and to hold not less than four public meetings in
each year in different parts of the County for the discussion of
road matters; reasonable notice of said meetings to be given by
advertisement and such meetings to be attended by the Roads
Engineer and at least one member of the Board of County Com-
340. The said Board of County Commissioners shall, on or
before the first day of January, in each and every year, appoint
from each election district of the County, one person, a discreet
and trustworthy taxpayer, a resident and voter of the district
for which he is appointed, and who shall have, during the one
year prior to his appointment, resided in said district and paid
taxes annually on property of at least an assessed valuation of
five hundred dollars, to act as road supervisor of that district,
until his successor is appointed and qualified. The road super-
visors so appointed shall serve for one year, and no supervisor
so appointed shall be removed from office except upon charges
of which he shall have due notice, and not until, after public
trial, he shall have been found guilty of such charges; and
they shall each give bond to the Board of County Commissioners
of Baltimore County properly conditioned for the faithful per-
formance of their duties, in the penal sum of from one thou-
sand to three thousand dollars as the Commissioners may pre-
scribe by their orders or regulations, which bond may be put in
suit at the instance of the said Commissioners for any breach
of duty on the part of the road supervisor; whereby said Com-
missioners may suffer loss, or any diversion or misappropriation
of road funds committed to them for expenditure or disburse-
ment. It shall be the duty of the road supervisor so appointed
for each election district to take direct care and charge on behalf
of the County Commissioners of Baltimore County of all roads
and bridges in his district, and he shall see that no obstructions,
hindrances or injury is permitted upon any road or bridge under
his supervision, and when any road or bridge shall form the
boundary between districts, the Commissioners shall assign to
the supervisor for each district the portion of such road or
bridge over which he shall have supervision, as aforesaid. Said