it shall be the duty of said County Commissioners to keep the
same in proper condition of repair and reasonably safe for pub-
lic travel, and to that end to exercise a general supervision over
the same throughout the County and direct repairs and im-
provements thereto whenever they shall deem the same necessary
or advisable for the public convenience or safety. Said County
Commissioners shall have all the powers with respect to the
public highways of the County heretofore vested in them as the
Highways Commission of Baltimore County or in other officers
charged with the proper maintenance of said highways and in
addition thereto shall have all the powers hereinafter enumer-
ated and all such other and further powers as may be reasonably
implied from the nature of the duties imposed up6n them by
this Act, to the end that said County Commissioners may prop-
erly and efficiently discharge said duties.
338. For any negligence or breach of the duties imposed by
this Act, said Commissioners shall be liable in damages
at the suit of the person or persons injured thereby,
but they shall be subject to no other or greater lia-
bility in the premises than was the Board of County Com-
missioners of Baltimore County in matters relating to the roads
and bridges of the County before the passage of the Act of the
General Assembly of Maryland known as Chapter 685 of the
Acts passed at the January Session, 1900; and any final decree
or judgment obtained against them, in any such suit or
action, or costs adjudged against them shall be satisfied and
paid in due course out of the proper funds for such purpose.
339. Said Commissioners shall, by and with the ad-
vice and assistance of the Baltimore County Roads Engi-
neer, adopt such system or systems for the care and repair of
the public highways, roads, bridges, streets and alleys of the
County as may be found most suitable for the several sections
of the County or the special roads thereof, provided that such
system shall require at least two-thirds of the road tax to be
expended in macadamizing the roads with stone or other hard
material, in those districts where the district fund amounts to
more than two hundred dollars per mile of road. They
shall have prepared by the County Surveyor an official road map
of the County, upon which shall be designated all County roads,
and the distance between intersections of roads or prominent
points thereon; whenever a new road shall be opened or ac-
cepted, or an old road altered or closed, its location or the
fact that it has been altered or closed shall be properly