by which books the condition of the Improved Road System Fund
and the several district funds may be readily seen at any time,
all of which said books and records shall be open to the inspec-
tion of any taxpayer of the County. They shall, annually, com-
pile statistics relating to the public roads of Baltimore County,
and cause the same to be printed or published in one or more of
the County newspapers. All maps, plans and statistics collected
and compiled under their direction shall be preserved in their
office. All bills or claims on account of the roads or bridges of
the County shall be passed upon by the Board at a regular or
adjourned meeting, and no such claim involving the expenditure
of more than fifty dollars, and no contract or agreement involv-
ing a larger expenditure of money from the Improved Road
System Fund for any purpose shall be allowed or made, except
by a majority vote of all the members of the Board, at a regulat-
or adjourned meeting; all contracts, agreements, grants and
licenses made or entered into by the Commissioners shall be re-
corded in books kept for that purpose, which shall always be
open to the inspection of the public; the original copies of all
reports to the Commissioners and other papers not recorded shall
be preserved in the office. Copies of such contracts, agreements,
grants and licenses recorded as aforesaid, and of the records of
the proceedings of said County Commissioners, when duly cer-
tified by the chief clerk and auditor of said Commissioners shall
be accepted as evidence in all the Courts of this State.
334. All office expenses, cost of books, necessary filing de-
vices and stationery, shall be paid out of the Improved Road.
System Fund as hereinafter provided.
335. It shall be the duties of the members of said Board
of County Commissioners, from time to time to travel over and
personally inspect the public highways and bridges throughout
the County and the work being done on the same, in order that
they may have, so far as possible, personal knowledge of the re-
quirements of the County in regard to road matters.
336. Each of the County Commissioners of Baltimore Coun-
shall receive an annual salary of $2,400, payable monthly by the
Treasurer of the said County, as full compensation for all trav-
eling expenses and the additional duties placed upon them by
this Act, and for all other duties imposed on them by law, and
no more, for any purpose whatsoever.
337. The said County Commissioners of Baltimore County
shall have general charge of and control over all the public
highways, roads, bridges, streets and alleys of the County, and