known as Section 342-A, the whole to provide for a new road
system in Baltimore County and the placing of the public high-
ways, sewers and drains of said County, and all matters in
connection therewith, under the care and control of the
County Commissioners of Baltimore County, with power and
authority to adopt and carry out such rules and regulations
in connection therewith, as they may consider necessary, to
fix the compensation of said Commissioners, and to provide
for an improved system of roads in said County and the ways
and means of payment therefor.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 332 to 341, both inclusive, and Section 343
and Sections 345 to 364, both inclusive, and Section 366, of
Article 3 of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, as enacted by
Chapter 495 of the Acts of 1908, be and the same are hereby
repealed and re-enacted with amendments; and Section 342 of
said Article is hereby repealed and a new Section to be also
known and numbered as Section 342 be and the same is hereby
enacted in lieu thereof, and Section 368 of said Article, and Sec-
tion 195-A of Chapter 791 of the Acts of 1912, entitled "An
Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 195-A of
Article 3 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title
Baltimore County, as enacted by Chapter 84 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland of 1910," be and the same are
hereby repealed; and one additional new Section to be known
as Section 342-A, be and the same is hereby enacted so as to
read for the whole as follows:
332. The County Commissioners of Baltimore County, in
addition to their other powers and duties under the law shall
have full charge and control over all the County roads, streets,
alleys, highways and bridges, and all matters pertaining thereto.
333. Said County Commissioners shall meet on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday in each week at the office of the
County Commissioners of Baltimore County, and may
hold such other meetings as the proper discharge of
their duties may require. They shall keep a journal
of proceedings in which shall be entered all their pro-
ceedings in detail, the correctness of the same to be attested
each week by the president and the chief clerk and auditor of
said Board of County Commissioners. They shall also keep
books showing in detail the expenditures of money in each elec-
tion district of the County on account of the roads and bridges
thereof, and from what fund such expenditures were made, and