shall, upon application, appoint some suitable person as
guardian ad litem to appear, answer, and defend for such de-
fendant under legal disability, within the times above specified,
and when such answer of such guardian ad litem or com-
mittee for such defendant shall be filed, the case as to such
defendant shall be regarded as ready for further proceedings
for said condemnation as hereinafter provided.
5. The Court shall have the same power to permit amend-
ments of the petition, answers and other proceedings as in
other actions at law, and all demurrers, motions and other pro-
ceedings therein, except as otherwise herein provided, shall be
disposed of in accordance with the rules and practice in said
Court now governing in the trial of other civil cases at law.
6. When all the defendants in said case who have been
summoned or published against, as hereinbefore provided, have
either answered or are in default as aforesaid, and all defend-
ants under legal disability have answered by their guardians,
committees or guardians ad litem, as hereinbefore provided,
the case shall be regarded as ready for trial, and, upon the ap-
plication of any party to said suit, the Court shrill forthwith
set an early date to be especially fixed by it, not less than ten
nor more than twenty days from the date of said application,
for the trial of the issues of law and fact raised in said case,
and the ascertainment of the compensation or damages to be
awarded to the defendants in case it shall be determined that
the land sought by the petitioner shall be condemned.
7. If the date so fixed by said Court shall occur during the
regular sittings of any term of said Court, at which a regular
jury is in attendance upon said Court, or can be procured to
attend, the said case shall be heard before a jury selected from
such regular panel, but if the date for said trial set by the
Court shall occur at a time when the regular jury drawn for
that term has been discharged and cannot be re-assembled un-
der the law, then in such case the Court shall forthwith select
twenty (20) good and lawful men from the names upon the
regular jury list of the last Jury Term of the Court, to be sum-
moned by the sheriff, to attend as jurors in said Court at
said time as fixed by the Court for the trial of said case, and
the summoning of said jurors and the empanelling of a jury
of twelve men from said regular panel or from said list of
jurors so summoned by the Sheriff, shall proceed as far as
practicable in accordance with the rules and practice obtaining