in said Court for the selection and empanelling of jurors in
other civil cases.
8. As soon as said jury is selected as aforesaid, the Jurors
shall be sworn by the Clerk in the usual manner in civil cases,
and in addition to the usual oath in such cases, they shall be
sworn to justly and impartially value the damages which the
defendant owner or owners will sustain by the taking, use and
occupation of the property described in the petition, by the
petitioner, for the purposes therein set out, and after being so
selected and sworn, the Court shall direct the sheriff to take the
jury upon the ground and premises sought to be condemned,
to view the same in the usual way in condemnation cases, upon
which excursion to view said property and premises, the par-
ties to the suit, their attorneys, engineer or other representa-
tive shall have the right to attend with said sheriff and jury.
The engineer or other representative of either party shall up-
on said view, point out to the jury the property sought to be
condemned, and the metes and bounds thereof, and shall show
the jury any adjacent property of the owners; but upon said
view no party to the proceedings, or his attorney, or any other
party, except as aforesaid, shall be permitted to make any
statement or remark to the jury or in their presence relative
to said property.
9. After said view, and the jury has returned to said Court,
the trial of the issues of law and fact in the case, relative to
the right to condemn said land, and the damages which will be
occasioned to the defendant owner or owners thereof by the
taking, use and occupation thereof by the petitioner, and the
amount of just compensation therefor to each defendant, and
of all other issues which may properly arise in said case, shall
be proceeded with before said Court and jury in the same man-
ner and under the same rules of law and practice, pertain-
ing to the admissibility of evidence, the instructions of the
Court, and all other matters arising under said proceedings, as
in other civil cases, except as herein otherwise provided.
Either party may except to any ruling of the Court, ad-
mitting or excluding evidence, or granting or rejecting in-
structions, or made upon any other motion, exceptation or pro-
ceeding in the cause, in the usual method of trials of civil
cases, and in case of appeal as hereinafter provided, bills of
exceptions shall be presented, settled and signed according to
to the prevailing practice in said Court.