the defendants, to be served in the same manner as a summons
in actions at law, and to be returned by some day to be named
in said order, not less than ten days nor more than twenty
days from the day of the filing of said petition. If any de-
fendant be not summoned before the return day of said sum-
mons, the summons may be renewed from time to time, as
often as the Court in its discretion may think proper; or if
any defendant is non-resident or unknown, or is returned non
est, the Court may order the sheriff to set up a copy of the sum-
mons for such defendants upon the property, and a notice to
be published once a week for three successive weeks, in a
newspaper published in the County where such property is
situated, and, if the proceedings be in Baltimore City, in one
daily newspaper published in said City, requiring such de-
fendant to appear in the said Court on or before a certain day
to be named in the order, said day to be not less than thirty
days nor more than forty days from the date of the first publi-
cation of said order, and show cause why such property, or
such defendant's interest therein, should not be condemned as
prayed in the petition.
4. Every defendant summoned shall, within ten days after
the return day to which he is summoned, and every defendant
appearing shall, within ten days after such appearance, file
an answer showing cause, if any he has, why the property
mentioned in the petition, or said defendant's interest therein,
should not be condemned as prayed, and every defendant
against whom publication has been duly made, as hereinbefore
provided, shall file an answer within the time limited in such
order of publication.
The Court shall have power, for good cause shown, to ex-
tend the time for answering. In default of answer within the
time hereinbefore provided or any extension thereof, as afore-
said, such defendant shall be regarded as in default, so far as
the right of condemnation is concerned.
If any defendant summoned as aforesaid, or against whom
publication has been made as aforesaid, is under legal disability,
by reason of infancy, insanity or any other cause, the Court,
upon the return of said summons, or the expiration of the time
limited in such order of publication, upon the application of
any party to said suit, shall authorize the duly constituted
guardian or committee of such infant, lunatic or person under
disability, to appear, answer, and defend for him within the
times above specified, or if such defendant under disability
shall have no constituted guardian or committee, the Court