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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 749   View pdf image (33K)
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SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Chapter 117 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland, approved April 8, 1912, entitled "An Act to add
a new Article to the Code of Public General Laws of 1904,
of the State of Maryland, to be known as Article 33-A,
Eminent Domain—Regulating the procedure for the acquisition
of property for public use by condemnation, and providing
that the proceedings therefor shall be before a jury in Court
instead of before a Sheriff's jury," be and it is hereby re-
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, so as to read aa





1. The proceedings for the acquisition of private property
for public use shall be as follows:

2. The proceedings shall be begun by the filing of a. petition
in the Circuit Court for the County in which the property
sought to be condemned is situated, on the law side thereof,
or in one of the law courts of Baltimore City, if such property
is situated in Baltimore City, by the State, Municipal, or other
corporation, commission, board, body or person seeking to
have the property condemned, and against the owner or owners
thereof, and the husbands and wives of married owners.

In case any owner or owners is or are not known, he or they
may be described in such petition as the unknown owner or
owners, or the unknown heir or heirs of a deceased owner.
The petition shall set forth a description of the property
sought to be acquired, sufficient for identification, a statement
of the purpose for which same is sought to be condemned, and
that the petitioner is unable to agree with the owner or owners
thereof, or that one or more of . said owners is or are under
some legal disability to contract, unknown or non-resident, ac-
cording to the facts; and the said petition shall contain a
prayer that the said property may be condemned.

3. Upon the filing of said petition, the Court or any judge
thereof shall pass an order directing a summons to issue for


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 749   View pdf image (33K)
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