ascertaining the quantity of electrical current furnished for
light, heat and power by any electrical corporation to or for the
use of any person or persons, and when found to be or made to
be correct, the inspector shall stamp or mark all such meters
and each of them with some suitable device, which device shall
be recorded in the office of the Secretary of State.
No corporation or person shall furnish or put in use any gas
meter which shall not have been inspected, proved and sealed,
or any electric meter which shall not have been inspected, ap-
proved, stamped or marked by an inspector of the Commission.
Every gas and electric corporation shall provide and keep in
and upon its premises a suitable and proper apparatus, to be
apporved and stamped or marked by the Commission, for test-
ing and proving the accuracy of gas and electric meters fur-
nished by it for use, and which apparatus every meter may and
shall be tested, on the written request of the consumer to whom
the same shall be furnished, and in his presence if he desires it.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That this Act shall take effect from the date of its
Approved April 13th, 1914.
AN ACT to add an additional Section to Article 17 of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Prince George's County," sub-
title "Bladensburg," to follow Section 60, and to be known
as Section 60-A, of said Article, authorizing the appointment
of a Treasurer and defining the duties thereof.
AN ACT to create the office of Sealer of. Weights and Measures
for Prince George's County, Maryland, and to define his
duties and compensation, and to repeal, in so far as the same
applies to Prince George's County,.Section 11 of Chapter 353
of the Acts of 1910, which Chapter repealed and re-enacted
with amendments Article 97 of the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland, title "Weights and Measures," and to
repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 328 of Article