quired, and (7) such other facts pertaining to the operating and
maintenance of the plant and system and the affairs of such
persons or corporations as may be required by the Commission.
Such reports shall be in the form, cover the period and be
submitted at the time prescribed by the Commission. The
Commission may, from time to time, make changes and addi-
tions in such forms, giving to the persons, or corporations and
municipalities six months' notice before the time fixed by the
Commission as the expiration of the fiscal year of any changes
or additions which would require any alteration in the method
or form of keeping their accounts for the ensuing year. When
such report is defective or believed to be erroneous the Com-
mission shall notify the person or corporation making such
report to amend the same within thirty days. Any such person
or corporation which shall neglect to make any such report
within the time specified by the Commission, or which shall
fail to correct any such report within 30 days after notice shall
be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars, and an additional
penalty of one hundred dollars for each day after the prescribed
time for which it shall neglect to file or correct the same, to be
sued for in the name of the State of Maryland. The amount
recovered in any such action shall be paid to the State Treasury,
one-fourth thereof, however, to be paid to the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore. The Commission may extend the time
herein limited for cause shown.
Have power, either through its members or inspectors, or em-
ployees, duly authorized by it, to enter in or upon and to in-
spect the property, buildings, plants, factories, power-houses
and officers of any such corporations or persons.
Have power to examine the books and affairs of any such cor-
poration, person and to compel the production before it of books
and papers pertaining to the affairs being investigated by it.
Have power, whether as a Commission or through its mem-
bers, to subpoena witnesses, take testimony and administer oaths
to witnesses in any proceeding or examination instituted before
it, or conducted by it in reference to any matter within its
jurisdiction upon this Article.
The Commission shall appoint inspectors of gas and electric
meters, whose duty it shall be to inspect, examine, prove and
ascertain the accuracy of any and all gas meters used or in-
tended to be used for measuring or ascertaining the quantity
of illuminating or fuel gas, or natural gas, furnished by any
gas corporation to or for the use of any person, and any and all
electric meters used or intended to be used for measuring and