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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 727   View pdf image (33K)
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17 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title
"Prince George's County," sub-title, "Weights and. Meas-
ures,'' and to provide a penalty for the violation thereof.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 11 of Chapter 353 of the Acts of 1910, which.
Chapter repealed and re-enacted with amendments Article 97
of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title
"Weights and Measures," be and the same is hereby repealed,
in so far as the same applies to Prince George's County, and
that Section 328 of Article 17 of the Code of Public Local Laws
of Maryland, title "Prince George's County," sub-title-
"Weights and Measures," be and the same is hereby repealed
and re-enacted with amendments, so as to read as follows:

SEC. 328. In Prince George's County there shall be appointed,
by the County Commissioners of said County, on or before the
first day of May in each and every year, some competent person,
who shall be known as the Sealer of Weights and Measures, who
shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, give bond to
the County Commissioners of Prince George's County, in the
penal sum of five hundred ($500) dollars for the faithful per-
formance of his duties, whose duties shall be as are now imposed
upon the Keeper of Standard of Weights and Measures, as pro-
vided for by Chapter 353 of the Acts of 1910, which Chapter
repealed and re-enacted with amendments Article 97 of the
Code of Public General Laws, title "Weights and Measures,"
and in addition to the duties imposed upon the Keeper of
Standard of Weights and Measures as provided for by said
Chapter 353 of the Acts of 1910, all of which the Sealer of
Weights and Measures, created by this Act, hereby assumes,
he is hereby directed and empowered to make the following ex-
amination of all scales, weights and measures in Prince George's
County, and charge and collect the following fees as his compen-
sation from the person, persons or corporation, whose scales,
weights and measures he so examines; and if any scale, weight
or measure be found that is incorrect, it shall be seized and de-
stroyed, or condemned until repaired, in the discretion of the
Sealer of Weights and Measures; and if any person, persons or
corporation shall refuse or fail to pay the fees hereinafter speci-
fied, he, they or it shall be subject to a fine of twenty ($20) dol-
lars and costs, to be collected as other fines are paid, at the suit
of the County Commissioners.


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 727   View pdf image (33K)
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