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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 724   View pdf image (33K)
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and the lamps furnished conforms with the orders issued by the
Commission, the Commission shall have power of its own motion
to examine and investigate the plants and methods employed in
manufacturing, distributing, delivering and supplying said nat-
ural or other gas or electricity, and shall have access through its
members or persons employed and authorized by it to make such
examinations and investigations, to all parts of the manufactur-
ing or other plants so owned, used or operated for the manufac-
ture, transmission, distribution or delivery of said natural or
other gas or electricity by any such person, gas or electrical cor-
poration. Any employee or agent of the Commission who
divulges any fact or information which may come to his knowl-
edge during the course of any such inspection or examination,
except in so far as he may be directed by the Commission or by
a Court or judge thereof or authorized by law. shall be guilty of
a misdemeanor.

Have full and plenary power to value the plant, property,
appurtenances, assets and franchises of such persons or corpora-

Have power, in its discretion, to prescribe uniform methods
of keeping accounts, records and books, to be observed by the
persons, gas corporations and electrical corporations engaged
in the manufacture, sale and distribution of gas and electricity
for light, heat or power.

Examine all persons and corporations under its supervision,
keep informed as to the methods employed by them in the
transaction of their business and see that their property is
maintained and operated for the security and accommodation
of the public and in compliance with the provisions of the law
and of their franchises and charters.

Require every person and corporation under its supervision
to submit to it an annual report, verified by the oath of the
president, treasurer or general manager thereof, showing in
detail: (1) The amount of its authorized capital stock and
the amount thereof issued and outstanding; (2) the amount of
its authorized bonded indebtedness and the amount of its
bonds and other forms of evidence of indebtedness issued and
outstanding; (3) its receipt sand expenditures during the pre-
ceding year; (4) the amount paid as dividends upon its stock
and as interest upon its bonds; (5) the names and amounts
paid as salary to each officer, and the amounts paid as wages to
its employees; (6) the location of its plant or plants and sys-
tem, with a full description of its property and franchises, stat-
ing in detail how each franchise stated to be owned was ac-


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 724   View pdf image (33K)
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