SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 10th, 1914.
AN ACT to add a new Section to be known as Section 126 to
Article 25 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland,
title "County Commissioners," authorizing and empowering
the County Commissioners of the several Counties of the State
to appropriate a sum of money not to exceed One Thousand
Dollars a year in each County for Farmers' Co-operative
Demonstration "Work.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
State of Maryland, That the Board of County Commissioners of
the respective Counties of this State may, and they are hereby
authorized and empowered in their discretion to appropriate and
use, under such rules and regulations as they may prescribe,
any sum or sums of money not exceeding One Thousand Dol-
lars ($1,000.00) per year for Farmers' Co-operative Demonstra-
tion Work in each of their respective Counties, along the same
line as this work is or may be conducted by the United States
Department of Agriculture or the Maryland Agricultural Col-
lege, and may conduct such work jointly in the respective Coun-
ties with the agents and representatives of the United States
Department of Agriculture, or the Maryland Agricultural Col-
lege, upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon be-
tween the agent of the Department of Agriculture of the United
States or the agent of the Maryland Agricultural College and
the Board of County Commissioners.
SEC. 2. That whenever the Department of Agriculture of
the United States and the Maryland Agricultural College shall
enter into co-operative relations for conducting Farmers' Co-
operating Demonstration Work in the Counties of Maryland,
the County Commissioners of the respective Counties may co-
operate with both the United States Department of Agriculture
and the Maryland Agricultural College in providing funds and
conducting the work in such manner as may be agreed upon by
the agents of the Co-operative Institutions. Provided that not
more than One Thousand Dollars per year be appropriated for
this purpose by the County Commissioners of any one County.