Section 217, and to be designated as Section 217-A and
217-B, as the same was amended by Chapter 156 of the Acts
of the General Assembly of Maryland of the year 1908.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That 217-B of Chapter 142 of the Acts of the General As-
sembly of Maryland, entitled "An Act to repeal and re-enact
with amendments, Section 217 of Article 15 of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Kent County," sub-title "Wild Fowl,"
and to add two new sections to said Article to follow Section
217 and to be designated as Sections 217-A and 217-B, as the
same was amended by Chapter 156 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland of the year 1908, so as to read as fol-
SEC. 217-B. It shall be unlawful to shoot at or shoot wild
fowl in or over the waters of Kent County except from the
shore and natural islands, except it shall be lawful for the
citizens of Kent County on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays
of every week during the open season, to shoot at or shoot wild
fowl in Comegy's Bight, a tributary of the Chester River in
Kent County, from the stick blind, not to be erected at a greater
distance than four hundred yards from the shore, and to shoot
at or to shoot wild fowl in said Comegy's Bight from a boat or
float placed in any such stick blind, and it shall be unlawful to
erect any such stick blind within four hundred yards of one al-
ready erected in accordance with the provisions of this section
except in such cases where it may be necessary to chase and shoot
any such wild fowl which have been previously shot and crip-
pled from a shore or island, or stick blinds erected in Comegy's
Bight, and it shall also be unlawful for any one to hunt or
shoot at any wild fowl, otters, muskrats, or any other water
animals by the use of any light of any character in any one of
the waters of Kent County, except it shall be lawful for the
citizens of Kent County, over the waters of Chester River and
its tributaries in the jurisdiction of Kent County, above the
line drawn from Molton's Point to Booker's Wharf, to shoot
at or shoot muskrats by the use of a light, and it shall be unlaw-
ful to shoot or shoot at wild fowl over the waters of Chester
River and its tributaries in the jurisdiction of Kent County,
above a line drawn from Cliff City to Spaniard's Point, except
on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays of every week during the
open season; and, provided, further, that it shall be lawful for
any resident of Kent County to shoot at or shoot any wild
fowl from a sink box and float blind on Chester River between