the building, including heating apparatus, according to speci-
fications, and the time or times at which payments therefor
shall be made, and the said Committee shall award the con-
tract to the lowest responsible bidder, who shall within a rea-
sonable time thereafter, to be determined by said Building
Committee, furnish to it a bond to the State of Maryland in
such penalty as said Committee shall determine, conditioned for
the faithful performance of the contract entered into, the Com-
mittee, however, reserving to itself at all time a right to reject
any and all bids. Said bond shall be liable at the suit of the Board
of County School Commissioners of Prince George's County for
violation of its conditions. The said Building Committee is
authorized and required to employ a skillful and competent
architect, under whose control and supervision as to material
and workmanship such work shall be done; provided, however,
that the entire cost of said building complete, including said
heating apparatus, shall not exceed the sum of twenty thousand
dollars ($20,000.00).
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That in case said Building
Committee, mentioned in the preceding Section, shall, from
any cause, be unable to contract with the said owner or owners
of any site sought for said school upon what said Committee de-
termines a fair valuation thereof, the said Building Committee
may apply for a writ of ad quod damnum to the Clerk of the
Circuit Court of Prince George's County, who shall forthwith
issue the same, and the Sheriff shall execute the said writ and
return inquisition describing the land and stating the amount
of damages to be paid the owner; and the Judge of the Circuit
Court for said County may at any time after the return of the
inquisition, in term or during recess, hear a motion to confirm
such inquisition, or such notice to parties as he may direct,
and confirm or quash the same; and if he quashes the inquisi-
tion he shall order a new one forthwith to be taken, but no
lot so taken or enlarged shall exceed, in the whole, five acres,
including the land occupied by the school building.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said Building
Committee, upon entering into any contract, whether for the
purchase of said building site, or for the construction of said
school building, heating apparatus, and equipment, shall forth-
with make report to the County School Commissioners of Prince
George's County, fully set forth the terms and character of said
contracts, and the debts incurred thereby, which report shall be
entered upon the records of the said County School Commis-