9. To the bequests contained in the last will and testament
and codicil thereto of Anna E. Motter, late of Washington
County, deceased, after the death or marriage of her niece,
Mary M. Lemen, and after the payment of certain specific lega-
cies mentioned in said will, of the balance of her estate to the
'' Home and Foreign Missionary Society," " Church Extension,''
"Orphan's Home at Loysville, Pa.," "Home of the Aged,"
located in Washington, D. C., and "Deaconess' Home in Balti-
more," share and share alike.
10. To the bequest of $100.00 to the American Christian
Missionary Society of the Disciples contained in the last will
and testament of Ann C. Newcomer, late of Washington County,
11. To the bequest of $100.00 to the Trinity Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Hagerstown, Washington, County, State
of Maryland, contained in the last will and testament of Chris-
tiana Yeakle, late of Washington County, deceased, to be used
as a memorial to her mother, Louisa Yeakle.
12. To the following bequests contained in the last will and
testament of Martha H. Leiter, late of Washington County, de-
ceased: (a) To the bequest of $200.00 to the Trustees or other
proper legal governing body of Saint Paul's Lutheran Church,
situate at Leitersburg, Washington County, Md., in trust, safely
to invest the same and apply the annual income derived there-
from to keep in proper order and condition the burial lots upon
which her husband, J. Freeland Leiter; her son, Levi Z. Leiter,
and her father, George W. Lantz, are respectively interred, in
the cemetery or graveyard connected with said church, one-
half said annual income to be applied for the aforementioned
purpose, and the other half thereof to be applied to keep in
proper order and condition the private graveyard on what is
known as the old Lewis Zeigler Farm, upon which many of her
late husband's relatives are buried, and to hold said sum and
apply said income to and for the purposes aforesaid in per-
petuity; and (b) to the bequest of $100.00 each unto St. Paul's
Lutheran Church of Leitersburg and unto St. James' Reformed
Church of Leitersburg, or the proper legal governing body
thereof, respectively.
13. To the following bequests contained in the last will and
testament of Katharine T. Nyman, late of Washington County,
deceased: (a) To the bequest of $300.00 to the King's Daugh-
ters of Hagerstown; (b) to the bequest of $300.00 to the Day