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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1630   View pdf image (33K)
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works so to be constructed, by throwing any impure or deleteri-
ous substance or thing into the same, or by swimming, bathing
or washing themselves, or by washing clothes or any other thing
therein, or by committing any nuisance in or near the sources of
supply or the reservoir or standpipe for said water works, so
as to pollute the same, shall upon conviction of said offense be
liable to a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars nor
more than three hundred ($300.00) dollars for each offense, to
be recovered by the Commissioners of Ellicott City before a
Justice of the Peace, as other fines are collected, or to imprison-
ment in the Howard County Jail or in the Maryland House of
Correction for a term of not less than six months nor more than
eighteen months, or both fine and imprisonment, in the discre-
tion of the Justice of the Peace; one-half of such fine to go to
the informer and the balance to the Commissioners of Ellicott
City for the purposes of this Act.

81-T. That there is hereby imposed upon each and every cor-
poration occupying or using any portion of the streets of Elli-
cott City with railroad or street railway track or tracks, the
obligation to pave the space within said track or tracks and for
a space of two feet on the outside of each outer rail thereof
with belgian blocks, in conformity with the paving heretofore
done on said streets by the Mayor and City Council of Ellicott
City, or which may hereafter be done by the authorities of
Ellicott City. The Commissioners of Ellicott City shall give
any such corporation or corporations a reasonable notice to be-
gin said work and a reasonable time in which to complete said
work; and, if said paving is not done by said corporation or cor-
porations within said reasonable time, the Commissioners of
Ellicott City may have the same done and charge the cost of the
same to said corporation or corporations. The obligation here-
by imposed shall be a lien upon the property of said corpora-
tion or corporations to the same extent as ordinary taxes
against the property of said corporation or corporations, and
may be enforced or collected by the same remedies as are used
for the enforcement and collection of taxes, and the payment
thereof may be enforced by the Commissioners of Ellicott City
by a suit at law or by any other remedy provided by any law
or ordinance appropriate for said purpose. All of such reme-
dies shall be cumulative.

81-U. Nothing herein contained shall affect or in any man-
ner make invalid any of the present ordinances of the Mayor and
City Council of Ellicott City; nothing in this Act contained shall


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1630   View pdf image (33K)
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