pass orders for the payment for property purchased or con-
demned and for material furnished in pursuance of this Act;
and may in their discretion employ a competent hydrographical
engineer to superintend the construction of said works.
81-R. That the Commissioners of Ellicott City are hereby
empowered to construct and erect a water works for supplying
said City with water, and to contract for the purchase in fee
simple or lease for a term of years, renewable at their pleasure,
any land, real estate, springs, brooks, water courses, streams,
wells, etc., and to use and occupy forever, or for a term of
years, any land, real estate, springs, brooks, water courses,
streams or wells which may be deemed necessary for the pur-
pose of supplying and furnishing said city with water; and
they are hereby provided and invested with all the rights and
powers necessary for the purpose of inducting water into said
City. If, for any cause, the Commissioners of Ellicott City
shall be unable to agree with any owner or owners of any real
estate, land, wells, springs, brooks, streams or water courses or
any other material which partakes of real estate, or for any
right-of-way which they may find necessary for conducting said
water into and in said City, or if any owner is unable, from
some disability or incapacity, to contract with said Commis-
sioners of Ellicott City, or absent out of the County or un-
known, the said Commissioners of Ellicott City are hereby
clothed with the power of condemnation under the right of emi-
nent domain as provided for in the public general laws of this
State as fully as if said public general laws had been herein in-
corporated, and their manner of procedure for the purposes of
this Act shall in all particulars be the same as is provided by
the said public general laws of Maryland. The said Commis-
sioners of Ellicott City shall have the power of fixing a schedule
of rates for furnishing water to private residences and to pro-
vide for the collection of said water rents as other taxes are
collected, and the income thereof shall be applied, first, for the
maintenance of said water works, and afterwards for the pay-
ment of interest accrued on said bonds, and then to the sinking
fund to meet the bonds as they severally fall due.
81-S. That the title to said water works and all of the lands,
estates, water courses, conduits, pipes, machinery and other
parts thereof shall, when completed and acquired, invest in the
Commissioners of Ellicott City; and any person, who shall
knowingly and wilfully pollute any spring, stream, brook, water
course, reservoir or stand pipe in connection with the water